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How ya'll been?

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:59 am
by Cat-theotherwhitemeat
Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted, been a little busy on the "other" site. Sorry about the "ya'll" in my subject. I've been seeing a lot many Sam Houston fans over there lately. :)

I hope all you guys and gals are doing well. I miss talking with everyone. I hope a lot of you will be cheering for the Griz. I know some of you won't (Bozone, I'm still going to try and convert you :) ), but that's ok.

Once we are past this weekend we can start talking about basketball and how the football teams look for next year. I hope everyone is having a great holiday season. BearBAC, looks like you've been naughty over here. No presents for you this year. Remember, having a little class never hurt anyone and don't forget to take your pills or I'll send you to time-out. :)

Take care and I'll be back posting drivel soon!


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 3:17 pm
by catatac
Howdy Meat! My buddies have been going to the games and said they're having a blast! I've been going fishing and having a blast too - so there! :lol: Talk about a team gelling at the right time - you guys are on fire. Good luck against J.M. and against my better judgement I'll be pulling for you to bring that trophy to the State of Montana, so it won't have to travel very far next year!!! 8) Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment, as we all know we'll have to endure a painful year putting up with the swarms of Griz "fans" bragging and gloating about how unstoppable they are, while trashing our program. (Not you Meat) But it's the right thing to do... I guess... :cry: