CAT-griz Tix & Big Sky Honor Flight

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CAT-griz Tix & Big Sky Honor Flight

Post by SenorWeezer » Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:23 pm

o.k., here is the deal... due to circumstances FAR beyond my control, my wife and i will be selling our 2 CAT-griz tickets (section 118) that we have for this year's game. along with that, we will throw in use of our tailgating spot (east side lot).

now, here is the catch; the first Bobcat fan to provide a certified check for $1,000 made out to Big Sky Honor Flight gets this deal.

first, you must be a Bobcat fan or i will not accept the check. i won't let the dark pink side invade and set up camp in our back yard. i can't do that to my friends & tailgating neighbors and would be pissed if they did that to me!

second, the price is firm. i know it isn't a deal, but if you want to go to the game AND help one of the most amazing programs that i have ever seen... this is a bargain. also (please check with your tax professional), it is likely you can utilize the amount over the value of the tickets as a tax writeoff.

if i don't get any takers, then i have a couple of buddies who have already volunteered to go to the game in my place! lol i'm not looking for offers or anything other than someone who wants to go to the game and help send a WWII Veteran to Washington D.C.

thx! lalk to ya tater!

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Re: CAT-griz Tix & Big Sky Honor Flight

Post by SenorWeezer » Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:11 am

hey howdy! i am only going to let these tix hang out there until wednesday... if nobody takes me up on helping out this great cause, then i will just turn them over to my buddies and let them yell like hell for the Cats for me!

Go Cats!

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Re: CAT-griz Tix & Big Sky Honor Flight

Post by SenorWeezer » Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:51 am

Today is the last day the tickets and tailgating spot will be available. Let me know if you are interested...

"I was Bobcat before Bobcat was cool."

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