Portland State road trip

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Portland State road trip

Post by BelgradeBobcat » Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:20 pm

So the rest of the fam can't go to Portland due to other commitments, but with the daughter there I really want to go. The plan is to leave on Friday morning, October 16 and drive back on Monday, October 19. Anybody want to ride along, maybe share a little gas money and driving? I'll drop you off anywhere you want in the Portland area on Friday night and pick you up Monday morning. Got room for 3 or 4. If you get a motel near the light rail you don't really need a car in Portland. The train takes you downtown to the bars, restaurants, shopping, and stadium.

Or conversely, if you're driving and want a passenger to split gas money and driving let me know.
Send me a PM if interested.

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