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Graduating in a few weeks

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:39 pm
by CelticCat
Anyone wana hire a Marketing major with a sexy 3.0 GPA? :)

Seriously, I'm open to moving just about anywhere in the continental U.S. and have no specific job in mind. If anyone knows of anything, it would be appreciated. Not much in Montana right now from what I've been looking at the last few weeks.

Re: Graduating in a few weeks

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:43 pm
by Hawks86
I'd find the Learfield guys and bug them until they give you a job. They could sure use the insight of an actual Bobcat fan. Good Luck.

Re: Graduating in a few weeks

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:49 pm
by KittieKop
Congrats Celtic - and congrats to anyone else graduating fall semester. Good job!

Re: Graduating in a few weeks

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:26 am
by Old Skool Cat
Congrats on your Marketing degree Celtic! I'm a marketing grad from the MSU Business program (back in 1990), and my degree has served me well. Being employed in the field, I will keep my eye open and let you know if I hear of anything.

Re: Graduating in a few weeks

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:08 am
by BigBruceBaker
CelticCat wrote:Anyone wana hire a Marketing major with a sexy 3.0 GPA? :)

Seriously, I'm open to moving just about anywhere in the continental U.S. and have no specific job in mind. If anyone knows of anything, it would be appreciated. Not much in Montana right now from what I've been looking at the last few weeks.
I will hire you to bash the grizzly program and build up our own!

It doesnt pay well (unless you like saltine crackers).

Re: Graduating in a few weeks

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:24 pm
by CelticCat
Throw in some peanut butter for those crackers and I'm in.

Re: Graduating in a few weeks

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:41 pm
by BigBruceBaker
Deal. But no vacation.

Re: Graduating in a few weeks

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:57 pm
by LadyCowCat
What is this real job thing? I graduate in a few weeks too, but I'm off to grad school, no job for me!

Re: Graduating in a few weeks

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:57 am
by BwanaCat
Celtic Cat,

I recommend that you do some serious soul searching to discover what you really want to do with the rest of your professional life. What makes you happy & what do you like to do? Don't fall into that trap of just taking any ol' job working for the man when you could apply your interests and energy to something you really like doing. Find a mentor or two to help guide you (Start with MSU Career Services, SCORE and join a professional orgaization). Most guys as they get older like to share their hard-earned wisdom with young people especially those from their Alma Mater.

Once you discover what you want to do then map out a plan consisting of a clear mission statement, goals and benchmarks to help you measure your sucesses. You are doing the right thing by networking but that is only one part of the entire successful & happy career picture. Always remember that only in the dictionary does SUCCESS come before WORK. You're a smart young man with a great Montana work ethic so go out into the world and make a positive mark.

Finally, don't forget good ol' MSU when you reach a point financially that allows you to give back so others can enjoy the MSU experience just like you. Remember, don't give until it hurts; give until it feels good. Whether it is $5 bucks or $5,000,000; it all makes a good difference and you will feel proud knowing you are making a positive difference for soemone at MSU and our state. I wish you much success, happiness and good luck my Bobcat Brother! Go Cats!