Napoleon Dynamite Quotes

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Napoleon Dynamite Quotes

Post by catatac » Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:03 pm

Hilarious movie if you haven't seen it yet... IF you like Stupid-humour movies. Some folks posting quotes in the other forums convinced me to rent it, which I did over the weekend. Instead if cluttering up the sports-talk boards with quotes, as I've already done... thought it best to create a slot for them. One of my favorites:

"Well, we've been chatting online for like 3 or 4 hours every night, so yes, I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious." - Kip Dynamite


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Post by SonomaCat » Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:27 pm

I took a chance on it when it first came out (hadn't heard much about it, but I wanted to see a movie, and it was playing close to me), and I really liked it as well.

A little known bit of trivia about it -- nearly everyone involved with the film is Mormon and from BYU film school (and the main character is about 27, married with kids). That explains why it is one of the most innocent and curse-free indie films ever made. It's that innocent tone that really makes it work. If it wasn't that way, it would have to be really mean, as these characters are so strange that they either have to be bizarrely endearing or despised.

They pull off bizarrely endearing pretty well.

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Post by CatfaninGA » Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:36 pm

Worst movie ever.


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Post by Bleedinbluengold » Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:58 pm

Can't be worse than Ishtar or the Piano.

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Post by Grizomatic » Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:15 pm

Bleedinbluengold wrote:Can't be worse than Ishtar or the Piano.
I'd add "Lost in Translation" to that list.

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Post by SonomaCat » Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:12 pm

With digs on both "Napoleon" and "Lost" so far in this thread, the list of people with whom I will never see a movie is growing quickly. I'm sure a lot of sleep will be lost over that as well.

"The Piano" was painfully boring, though. I'll sign on to that.
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Post by catatac » Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:39 pm

CatfaninGA wrote:Worst movie ever.
Ok. That's a fair opinion. But to hi-jack my own thread, what is your favorite all-time movie?

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Post by CelticCat » Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:07 pm

All I heard about ND was that it was a really good movie. So I figured, I'll give it a shot. I didn't like it at all.

Granted there were some quotes that made me chuckle a little though.

"You're just jealous because I've been online chatting with babes all day."

Napoleon "You have a date for the prom yet?"
Pedro "I was going to ask *insert girls name here I can't remember*"
Napoleon "How are you gonna do that?"
Pedo "I uno, build her a cake or something."

Or when his uncle threw the chunk of meat at him while he was riding the bike.

My favorite comedy of the year or past year was Anchorman. Right up my alley, random, pointless, silly humor done well. :D

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Post by SonomaCat » Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:47 pm

Did anyone see Sideways? That was by far my favorite comedy of the year... but that was before the bandwagon filled up. If I saw it now, after everyone talking about it over and over and over, I probably would dislike it out of spite.

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Post by velochat » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:11 pm

I would go with "The Life of Brian" for best of all time. It was re-released this past year, but I missed it. I didn't like Anchorman; I couldn't stomach the smarmy loser getting the girl. There were funny parts, but it would be better to just see the highlights than watch the whole thing.

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Post by MSU01 » Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:58 pm

CelticCat wrote: My favorite comedy of the year or past year was Anchorman. Right up my alley, random, pointless, silly humor done well. :D
Will Ferrell was great in Anchorman, but I thought Dodgeball was a funnier movie. That's my pick for 2004 Comedy of the year.

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Post by wbtfg » Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:48 pm

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Post by BelgradeBobcat » Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:28 am

I think it's best not to get too analytical about Napoleon Dynamite-it is, what it is. But I thought it worked because it was simple and honest-a lot of the bits were from the movie maker's own lives. The scene where Lyle blasts the holstein right as the school bus drives up happened to the director's little brother. I thought that scene was hilarious in a sick sort of way.

A friend of mine who hasn't seen the movie said everyone she knew who saw it said it was stupid...but they keep quoting from it all day long. Maybe it's this generation's Caddy Shack for the quotes.

The dance scene at the end was brilliant. I tried a couple of those moves and about threw my back out.

Velo might be on to something-The Life of Brian is great. I've got to rent that again one of these days. Blessed are the Cheese Makers!

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Post by CelticCat » Fri Jan 21, 2005 11:19 am

Bay Area Cat wrote:Did anyone see Sideways? That was by far my favorite comedy of the year... but that was before the bandwagon filled up. If I saw it now, after everyone talking about it over and over and over, I probably would dislike it out of spite.
I suppose you are the kind of guy who loves a band until they get famous, then bash them for selling out and never listen to them again?

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Post by SonomaCat » Fri Jan 21, 2005 11:41 am

CelticCat wrote:
Bay Area Cat wrote:Did anyone see Sideways? That was by far my favorite comedy of the year... but that was before the bandwagon filled up. If I saw it now, after everyone talking about it over and over and over, I probably would dislike it out of spite.
I suppose you are the kind of guy who loves a band until they get famous, then bash them for selling out and never listen to them again?
Nah, I'm not quite like that (unless they became popular by changing the kind of music they play from something good to something crappy... like Sugar Ray). I just had some friends who saw that movie a bit after the rest of us did. After we all went on and on about how much we liked it, the later people went into it with huge expectations, and those can never be met, so they came out with a less favorable view of the film. It always seems like the best way to experience a great film is to know nothing about it going in -- that way you are experiencing it for what it is, and not in the context of what people have told you.

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Post by catatac » Fri Jan 21, 2005 11:54 am

Yes BAC - that is probably why I thought Napoleon Dynamite was funny. I honestly had never even heard the title, then last week my 14 year old son rented it and he and his buddies kept laughing, and people on this site started quoting it, so I watched it later that week and had absolutely no idea what I was in for. I laughed pretty hard about 15 different times... :lol: BTW, I also laughed pretty hard at Dumb & Dumber.

P.S. Are you saying Suger Ray was actually good at one time?
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Post by jagur1 » Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:06 pm

One question on Napolean Dynamite. Has anyone found a women who likes this movie? I get comments like this, "That's two hours I wish I had back to do something else"

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Post by SonomaCat » Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:22 pm

jagur1 wrote:One question on Napolean Dynamite. Has anyone found a women who likes this movie? I get comments like this, "That's two hours I wish I had back to do something else"
The woman I saw it with really liked it. I am honestly confused when people say it was "stupid," especially with what passes for comedy in most big budget films. The characters were intentionally written to be somewhat clueless, and as a result are still very sincere and ironic.

It wasn't a classic film in my mind (I'm not buying the DVD or anything), but it was certainly a very good film, and potentially additionally interesting for people who grew up in rural states near or including Idaho. I would be very interested to hear a list of favorite films from the people who didn't like Napolean. I wonder if there is a trend in what kind of films they like that precludes a film like this.

Again, though, if somebody told me over and over again that this was a great film (especially if I heard out-of-context quotes from the film repeatedly), and then I went to see it with sky high expectations, I probably would be more dismissive of it. Absent any advance knowledge of the film, though, I really liked it.

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Post by kmax » Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:29 pm

jagur1 wrote:One question on Napolean Dynamite. Has anyone found a women who likes this movie? I get comments like this, "That's two hours I wish I had back to do something else"
My wife rented it shortly after people here started spouting off quotes from the movie. She loved it and thought it was hilarious. While I won't say that I disliked the movie, it definately isn't one that I will be watching again. Can't really say why I didn't really like the movie, perhaps part of it was as BAC says and I was expecting that it was some sort of instant cult-classic or something.

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Post by catatac » Mon Feb 07, 2005 2:20 pm

What I know is that I laughed pretty hard quite a few times during the movie. Maybe that means I'm immature, or maybe I just have a really dry sense of humor. I'm OK with that. 8) To analyze it though, I think the reason it worked for me is because I knew those characters (Napolean, Kip, Ricco, etc.) in high-school... :)
Last edited by catatac on Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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