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Tourney Time

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 7:53 pm
by cats22
Hey, I'm more of a AA guy, but anyone can join in on the talk... I think the possibilities of a Great Falls High vs. Missoula Hellgate showdown would be something for some colleges to see. Howard vs. McGillis... Cox vs. Tatarka. I say out with the old in with the new... The class of 2007 has been overlooked while they've put up some gutsy efforts. The Edwards kid has done well also. A Hurley from Anaconda. Neumann from Geyser. Selvig and Milne, Glendive. There's some guys for you. And as for Bullock... not a big prospect.... most of his numbers are against A schools and against Great Falls high he had 13 and 11 while getting blown out.... If you're the best you need to make your team better. Like Hasquett he's made Garland and a couple others look alot better than they are.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 9:06 am
by Cat Grad
Just curious. How many remember the level of competion during the Big 32? It appears to me our high schools have watered down the level of play to the point that in the Southern venacular "even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while." Come on, 13 teams :roll: Even A only has 24 teams :cry: Why not have the MHSA come up with the BIG 40 or 48? Or is the memory of the Big 32 still fresh in every AA program? Ya'll can say Laurel, Libby and Wolf Point together now, right :P

Re: Tourney Time

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:00 am
by anacondagriz
cats22 wrote:Hey, I'm more of a AA guy, but anyone can join in on the talk... I think the possibilities of a Great Falls High vs. Missoula Hellgate showdown would be something for some colleges to see. Howard vs. McGillis... Cox vs. Tatarka. I say out with the old in with the new... The class of 2007 has been overlooked while they've put up some gutsy efforts. The Edwards kid has done well also. A Hurley from Anaconda. Neumann from Geyser. Selvig and Milne, Glendive. There's some guys for you. And as for Bullock... not a big prospect.... most of his numbers are against A schools and against Great Falls high he had 13 and 11 while getting blown out.... If you're the best you need to make your team better. Like Hasquett he's made Garland and a couple others look alot better than they are.
There is a Hurley playing for both the boys & girls teams. Their dad Rob played for the Cats in the '80s. The girl who I believe is named Ally averages like 20 points a game and is only a freshman.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:26 am
by Cat Grad
ANDacondaFizz: You've got to be talking about the house divided in the mid 80s. The Cat Hurley came off the bench and hit a last second shot from half court against his brother's Fizzlie team to beat them. His brother started for the Fizzlies. Would be pretty good genetics. Don't you also have an Estes this year?

Re: Tourney Time

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:47 am
by mslacat
anacondagriz wrote:
cats22 wrote:Hey, I'm more of a AA guy, but anyone can join in on the talk... I think the possibilities of a Great Falls High vs. Missoula Hellgate showdown would be something for some colleges to see. Howard vs. McGillis... Cox vs. Tatarka. I say out with the old in with the new... The class of 2007 has been overlooked while they've put up some gutsy efforts. The Edwards kid has done well also. A Hurley from Anaconda. Neumann from Geyser. Selvig and Milne, Glendive. There's some guys for you. And as for Bullock... not a big prospect.... most of his numbers are against A schools and against Great Falls high he had 13 and 11 while getting blown out.... If you're the best you need to make your team better. Like Hasquett he's made Garland and a couple others look alot better than they are.
There is a Hurley playing for both the boys & girls teams. Their dad Rob played for the Cats in the '80s. The girl who I believe is named Ally averages like 20 points a game and is only a freshman.
Unless I am mistaken Rob Hurley played for the Griz from 80-84, younger brother Scott Hurley played for the Cats 82-84 (or so) before transfering to a D-2 school. I think Scott was Starners first recruit.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:11 am
by Cat Grad
I really have no idea which brother played for the Cats and which one downstream from Andaconda. Just remember the Hurley for the Cats beating that other team with one from half court.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:58 am
by kmax
Cat Grad wrote:Just curious. How many remember the level of competion during the Big 32? It appears to me our high schools have watered down the level of play to the point that in the Southern venacular "even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while." Come on, 13 teams :roll: Even A only has 24 teams :cry: Why not have the MHSA come up with the BIG 40 or 48? Or is the memory of the Big 32 still fresh in every AA program? Ya'll can say Laurel, Libby and Wolf Point together now, right :P
I would love to see the AA and A schools back in one conference for Basketball. I don't personally remember the Big 32(little young) but I watched West High play enough of the area A schools to know they are just as competitive as any of the AA schools, often moreso. Would be a lot of fun and give a little more competition than having almost 2/3's of the AA schools going to state every year.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:19 pm
by Cat Grad
KMAX: So what you trying to say? I'm a little old :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:34 pm
by kmax
Cat Grad wrote:KMAX: So what you trying to say? I'm a little old :lol:
Nah...I would never say something like that, gotta respect your elders right? :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:44 pm
by mslacat
Cat Grad wrote:KMAX: So what you trying to say? I'm a little old :lol:
When I first met my wife and into the first few years of Marriage this time of year always
meant, I got to travel to Butte, or Bozeman or the like to go see the different basketball
tournaments. It was great my wife is from Hardin, and she had friends, younger siblings,
cousins, or and her own siblings that would be playing in the state tournaments from
Hardin, Lodge Grass, or Billings. In communities like Hardin the basketball tourney are
king, over the years, though, the need for my wife to attend the tourneys just turned to
nothing. This year though it is back! My wife informed me that the Class A tourney
will be held in Hamilton this week end and we should go down (or up, if you are a true
Bitterrooter) to Hamilton this week end. I asked her what the interest was and she
informed me that he cousin , who I used watch play basketball, has a kid in the tourney. I
really did not believe her but she assured me it was true and pointed out that there are
Girls she went to school with that are grandma's. Guy's I am not that old! Hell my wife
is four years younger than me! Anyone have a red sports car they are looking to get rid
of! I have a 4 and 8 year old and at times wonder how in the heck I convinced a judge to
let me adopt them! I mean I was born in 1961 do the math I can.......... well Damn It!
...................I just did the math!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:04 pm
by Cat Grad
So that means you're quite a bit younger than I am. I grew up in the old District 8C when you may have just as well penciled in the Valley or Townsend, White Sulpher teams for district, division and state. I got to see Bilford Curley, Larry Pretty Weasel, Robbie Lott, the Weeks brothers, in basketball and I got to follow Clifford Foote and Jarvis Yellow Robe around a track :lol: The Big 32 keeps me thinking how much better the teams used to be because of the competitive nature a kid from a smaller school would have; does Montana still have the Meet of Champions? Amazing how the small schools used to dominate.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:09 pm
by mslacat
Cat Grad wrote:So that means you're quite a bit younger than I am. I grew up in the old District 8C when you may have just as well penciled in the Valley or Townsend, White Sulpher teams for district, division and state. I got to see Bilford Curley, Larry Pretty Weasel, Robbie Lott, the Weeks brothers, in basketball and I got to follow Clifford Foote and Jarvis Yellow Robe around a track :lol: The Big 32 keeps me thinking how much better the teams used to be because of the competitive nature a kid from a smaller school would have; does Montana still have the Meet of Champions? Amazing how the small schools used to dominate.
I think the major diference between you and i is the fact you have accepted the fact you are over 40. I am not there yet :^o

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:19 pm
by Cat Grad
I don't really know when the realization hit me that I can't do what I used to without any problem. Probably about 35 when we were having a student-faculty game in Augusta, Georgia and I was having trouble lasting much over a quarter at a time--and I was still running 7-10 miles a day :( It really hit me elk hunting this year and I couldn't run DOWNHILL fast enough to get a decent shot at a bull :oops: