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A subject near and dear to a lot of "True" Montana
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:36 am
by mslacat
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:57 am
by grizbeer
Just a reminder that Terrible Ted will be at the Montana State Fair August 5th. A chance to take up any issues someone might have with him there?
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:00 am
by mslacat
grizbeer wrote:Just a reminder that Terrible Ted will be at the Montana State Fair August 5th. A chance to take up any issues someone might have with him there?
Bring your AK47's
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:02 am
by Cat-theotherwhitemeat
"Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em!" he screamed to applause. "To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead. I want rapists dead. I want burglars dead. I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun and when they attack you, shoot 'em."
I think Ted needs some fiber in his diet.
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:08 am
by Cat Grad
So? What's the point? My daughter drove all over Augusta, Georgia in her first car with an NRA sticker before she met her Husband from Houston
She said she felt much safer just conveying that message
By the way, I believe BAC is from Winifred, right?
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:26 am
by SonomaCat
Cat Grad wrote:So? What's the point? My daughter drove all over Augusta, Georgia in her first car with an NRA sticker before she met her Husband from Houston
She said she felt much safer just conveying that message
By the way, I believe BAC is from Winifred, right?
Cat Grad won that trivia match -- Winifred, not Simms.
And the only identifier on my car is an MSU alumni license plate holder ... so far.
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:33 am
by mslacat
Bay Area Cat wrote:Cat Grad wrote:So? What's the point? My daughter drove all over Augusta, Georgia in her first car with an NRA sticker before she met her Husband from Houston
She said she felt much safer just conveying that message
By the way, I believe BAC is from Winifred, right?
Cat Grad won that trivia match -- Winifred, not Simms.
And the only identifier on my car is an MSU alumni license plate holder ... so far.
Winifred / Simms is there a difference?
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:49 am
by Cat Grad
I know another thread has ya'll talking about growth in Montana and reasons everyone happens to be relocating back home after 20-30 years working elsewhere. Really curious as to how much longer the "Montana Mystique" and the novelty of it all is going to hang around, although I believe I'll live to see the end of it. As huge as Flathead county is, it only has three percent of its land privately owned, so the one's there will continue to fight any sense of "intrusion" from those seeking to be a part of it all (can't remember what percent of Gallatin is privately held, but I don't think it's much more than Flathead). Lake county has a little different viewpoint and it wouldn't surprise me to see a nice influx of blended cultures showing up whereby we "...can all get our backyard..." The "cities" experiencing this growth makes for a very exciting "mix" of philosophies and we'll probably need Ted to come here and tame everyone down
BAC: Do you know how much of Fergus County is privately owned? I'd love to do a reclamation project with the Judith River in conjunction with Trout Unlimited, the Nature Conservancy, the Pheasant hunters and some of the ranchers that realize what a beautiful trout stream that thing is...
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:58 am
by SonomaCat
This is only a guess, but I'd say that probably half of Fergus County is privately owned. There is a lot of BLM land, especially in the breaks, and I assume most of the Snowies is Forest Service land. There's a lot of state land scattered all over the place as well.
I think virtually all of the Judith River land is private, though. Interestingly, a group is trying to build a subdivision down on the Judith a bit northwest of Winifred -- out in the middle of nowhere. Their main holdup right now seems to be a NIMBY chiropractor from Lewistown who bought a hobby ranch out there a few years ago.
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:12 am
by Cat Grad
Well...I remember when Chet came back to Montana with the pipe dream of building a ski resort around Lone Mountain
His original plans were to develop an airport in Ennis and a road up from that side...guess we know what the NIMBYs did for what seems like my whole lifetime...I'm pretty surprised Lewistown is just now getting "discovered" but it won't be oong least there's a few more folks that won't use that lame excuse about traffic, waste treatment, water, and anything else a lawyer will find to sue over
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:45 am
by Cat-theotherwhitemeat
Here's a map of the ownership in Montana. Click on it and zoom in once to make it more clear....
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:51 am
by mslacat
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:16 am
by Cat Grad ya'll remember when Ted Turner challenged Rupert Murdock to a fist fight to settle their "creative differences" once and for all? I'll take TT over TN and give you 2-1 odds
Who'll promote this? Sounds like a pretty good job for our SID in Bozo
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:22 am
by Cat Grad
...but the main drawback I see with this is linking the two Teds up; how many buffalo, elk and deer would Ted sell Ted? Doesn't TT get 15k to cull the big bulls already? This is something Quast should get after, on second thought. Isn't he one of our marketing products after putting up with Nelson for all those years?