Just goes to show, you get a little nutty when you spend too much time living in a cave.It never occurred to us that the commander in chief of the country (Bush) would leave 50,000 citizens in the two towers to face those horrors alone ... because he thought listening to a child discussing her goats was more important,
-from a tape reportedly by UBL
Al Jazeera has just played a tape of UBL that refers to a recent event in Iraq. It was authenticated by "the government," though I'm not sure what agency. The tape lists a litany of complaints about the Bush Administration and highlights the motivation behind September 11.
The Bush Administration resembles a corrupt Arab government.
Bush is misleading Americans.
Has he been in contact with Joe Lockhart? What odd statements.September 11 would have been less severe if George Bush had been more alert
MSNBC said that bin Laden references John Kerry in the tape.
It looks like an endorsement for Kerry, which can be interpreted several ways.
I don't have access to a TV right now--did bin Laden voice any displeasure with Bush's support of the Federal Marriage Amendment? Because if he did, I think we definitely need to check Lockhart's satellite phone records. As it is, I'm suspicious:
In addition, the infidel George Bush is outsourcing America's future with tax cuts to the wealthy. Where are the 1.6 million jobs? The infidel Bush is the first infidel since the infidel Herbert Hoover to lose jobs! Awake from your slumber, America! The infidel John Kerry has a plan. You can do better, Insha'Allah!
Are you infidels aware that the infidel John Kerry killed infidels in a war of imperialist infidel aggression in Southeast Asia?
Pardon the humorous "quotes", but I just don't think the video in itself is a big deal.The infidel Mary Cheney is a lesbian.