Update on partnership with Colter and premium content
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:11 pm
Alright, finally time for an update here as we have had some time to try an iron some things out. We kind of rushed the initial agreement and announcement a bit to ensure that we were able to get Colter's gameday content out to all of you by Saturday, so now it's time for a bit more detail.
I have been hard at work all weekend on gearing up the next generation of BobcatNation to handle all of Colter's new content and present it in a way that does it justice and makes it much nicer for everyone to read. First things first, the board will be going down late tonight to allow me to migrate all these changes over. If all goes well you should all wake up to a new and improved BobcatNation homepage tomorrow morning. Colter has also been hard at work on his end getting everything lined up to ensure that he can continue to give you the same first class Bobcat coverage you have come to expect, now here at BobcatNation.
We have also worked out our plan for the premium content. My next step after getting the new site up and running is equipping it to allow us to separate out the premium content from the free content that Colter will also be providing here. Things such as game previews and Basketball coverage will remain free while the abundance of extra content that Colter produces such as player profiles, opponent profiles, etc. will be considered premium content. With Colter's main focus being just on Bobcat Athletics now, he's hoping that this content will be even better than what he has done previously.
While we aren't quite ready to start taking payments yet, we have agreed upon the fee structure. To access the premium content there will be a monthly charge of $12. This will be split between BobcatNation to cover overhead and Colter to make sure he is getting paid for all of the work he is doing. In addition, out of each $12 monthly subscription that we sell we will, BobcatNation will be donating $2 to the BobcatClub. We have always maintained that we created this site to benefit Montana State Athletics and with this new endeavor we want to continue our focus on that mission. Also, as we are just trying to get into this and to try and ease the administration for this, the initial plan will be to sell the final two months of the Bobcat Football season for $24 as a package deal. I'm a bit swamped with trying to get this all up and running so for now we will go this route so that anyone that wishes to have access has it through the football season and we don't have any confusion. So bottom line, pricing is $12 per month but when we get ready to accept subscriptions you will need to sign up initially for 2 months for $24. I will put out an update as soon as we are ready to begin accepting subscriptions.
I want to thank all of you for the great feedback that we have received since announcing this partnership. While we were very excited about it, we really weren't sure what the response would be like. Please help us spread the word, we want this to be successful so we can keep this going, but it all depends on you the readers!
I have been hard at work all weekend on gearing up the next generation of BobcatNation to handle all of Colter's new content and present it in a way that does it justice and makes it much nicer for everyone to read. First things first, the board will be going down late tonight to allow me to migrate all these changes over. If all goes well you should all wake up to a new and improved BobcatNation homepage tomorrow morning. Colter has also been hard at work on his end getting everything lined up to ensure that he can continue to give you the same first class Bobcat coverage you have come to expect, now here at BobcatNation.
We have also worked out our plan for the premium content. My next step after getting the new site up and running is equipping it to allow us to separate out the premium content from the free content that Colter will also be providing here. Things such as game previews and Basketball coverage will remain free while the abundance of extra content that Colter produces such as player profiles, opponent profiles, etc. will be considered premium content. With Colter's main focus being just on Bobcat Athletics now, he's hoping that this content will be even better than what he has done previously.
While we aren't quite ready to start taking payments yet, we have agreed upon the fee structure. To access the premium content there will be a monthly charge of $12. This will be split between BobcatNation to cover overhead and Colter to make sure he is getting paid for all of the work he is doing. In addition, out of each $12 monthly subscription that we sell we will, BobcatNation will be donating $2 to the BobcatClub. We have always maintained that we created this site to benefit Montana State Athletics and with this new endeavor we want to continue our focus on that mission. Also, as we are just trying to get into this and to try and ease the administration for this, the initial plan will be to sell the final two months of the Bobcat Football season for $24 as a package deal. I'm a bit swamped with trying to get this all up and running so for now we will go this route so that anyone that wishes to have access has it through the football season and we don't have any confusion. So bottom line, pricing is $12 per month but when we get ready to accept subscriptions you will need to sign up initially for 2 months for $24. I will put out an update as soon as we are ready to begin accepting subscriptions.
I want to thank all of you for the great feedback that we have received since announcing this partnership. While we were very excited about it, we really weren't sure what the response would be like. Please help us spread the word, we want this to be successful so we can keep this going, but it all depends on you the readers!