These Republicans MUST be stopped

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These Republicans MUST be stopped

Post by SonomaCat » Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:58 am

If there was ever a good reason to exercise the second amendment and form an armed militia to defend our rights, it would be to stop these people who clearly don't really believe in freedom and self-accountability. It's issues like this that made me realize long ago how hypocritical many Republicans are. Smaller government, smaller government... unless it comes to us telling us how to live our personal lives, then there will be no end to the size of the government involvement.

If anybody messes with my HBO original programming, blood WILL be shed. Some things are just sacred.

The Senate is the last place on earth that I want the literary and artistic merits of privately-funded projects deliberated. Leave us alone, you wankers!

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Post by iaafan » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:09 pm the part about not being able to make decisions on a house-by-house basis. Very true and something these 'no more taxes' folks seem to turn away from. Of course they will come back with, 'it won't cost very much money to enforce this one.' :roll:

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Post by bronco » Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:26 pm

Looks like not just Republicans.
Sooo we must make sure Hillary doesn't get elected right BAC?

Hillary: Too Much Sex on TV

New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, whose husband's affair with a 23-year-old intern prompted saturation news coverage for a year, complained on Wednesday that children were exposed to too much sex in the media.

Calling the proliferation of adult entertainment "a silent epidemic," the top Democrat said, "Just a decade ago, we made great strides to keep children away from inappropriate material."

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Post by Cat Grad » Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:33 pm

...she drove Bill to it, I mean come on, have you ever taken a good look at that "woman" :roll:

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Post by SonomaCat » Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:46 pm

bronco wrote:Looks like not just Republicans.
Sooo we must make sure Hillary doesn't get elected right BAC?

Hillary: Too Much Sex on TV

New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, whose husband's affair with a 23-year-old intern prompted saturation news coverage for a year, complained on Wednesday that children were exposed to too much sex in the media.

Calling the proliferation of adult entertainment "a silent epidemic," the top Democrat said, "Just a decade ago, we made great strides to keep children away from inappropriate material."
If she votes for any bill to expand the reach of the FCC to cable TV, then I'll be the first in line calling for her defeat. I'm not a party guy -- I'm against all politicians who want to legislate our personal lives.

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Post by Cat Grad » Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:57 pm

And I don't know what the problem is because the only reason I get cable is for the ESPN and Fox Sports packages anyway. Unless of course they were to somehow think there are going to do like we did and ban cheerleaders...

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Post by SonomaCat » Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:01 pm

Cat Grad wrote:And I don't know what the problem is because the only reason I get cable is for the ESPN and Fox Sports packages anyway. Unless of course they were to somehow think there are going to do like we did and ban cheerleaders...
No more ESPN original series and/or movies without censorship -- not that those would be particularly huge losses to society, I guess. They still have a ways to go in the dramatic series/film area, but I still don't want the Senate to opine on it.

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Post by SonomaCat » Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:30 am

To give equal time to the Democrats, yes, Hillary does sound like a raving lunatic on these kinds of issues as well:

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Post by Cat Grad » Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:06 pm

On another thread, I mentioned one of my grad school profs asking who the most liberal president of us white haired students time was and came away almost believing Richard Nixon was that individual due to all the things his administration was actually able to accomplish. He also thought it'd be a pretty good idea to have a viable group of schools on the REZ, and it's pretty neat to see the Native Junior Colleges and Job Corps as a result of his administration. I was floored when he asked us to look at Dwight D. Eisenhower's record, however. How can we explain G.H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton becoming more than good friends as past presidents?

If there is any one thing I thoroughly distrust, it's an American media worker whether as a newspaper, magazine or television reporter from any channel. Should be in my house when my six year old and seven year old start to argue over Cartoon Network or Disney Channel :lol: My six year old frequently looks and sounds like a younger version of Bart Simpson and the seven year old is Hillary Duff :wink: Perhaps we could somehow get Disney to divest itself of ABC and ESPN and allow CBS to... :o

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