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Post by gtapp » Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:53 pm

It has become obvious that steroids is a "big" part of all professional sports. Why not just give up and let everyone use whatever they want?

Some reasons why:

1. It would be impossible to determine who in the record books took steroids and who didn't. And impossible to determine the impact.
2. Science will always be one step ahead of testing! Designer drugs will not be detectable.
3. Steroids is not the magic potion we assume it is. It has an impact but not to the level that is implied in the media.
4. We allow other technolgy into the sport: Better training techniques and equipment, tigher woven balls, better bats, pro hormones, other supplements (creatine, ZMA, etc).
5. Makes for a more exciting game!

Gary Tapp
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Post by BWahlberg » Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:26 pm

Gtapp also add this in;

- It shortens the players life and deforms their bodies
- It sends a message to High Schoolers "it's ok" so they can get started on ruining their lives even quicker
- It slaps every player in the face who had any accomplishment with out being on drugs.
- It's illegal
- Kick out the 80 - 90 % who are not using them

If steriods ever became an "accepted" policy in mainstream sports, I would never let any of my kids even think about playing organized sports, or watch pro sports.

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Post by gtapp » Fri Apr 01, 2005 1:12 am

Re/Max Griz wrote:Gtapp also add this in;

- It shortens the players life and deforms their bodies
- It sends a message to High Schoolers "it's ok" so they can get started on ruining their lives even quicker
- It slaps every player in the face who had any accomplishment with out being on drugs.
- It's illegal
- Kick out the 80 - 90 % who are not using them

If steriods ever became an "accepted" policy in mainstream sports, I would never let any of my kids even think about playing organized sports, or watch pro sports.
Not sure about the shortens life and deforms body comment. I have done lots and lots of research and steroids can actually improve health if used correctly. If not used correctly, then yes, it can do all those things you mentioned and worse. Again, anything taken in excess is BAD. Not just steroids. As far as the records I totally agree. But, as I mentioned, how would you calculate which records by who? For example: We think Barry Bonds used steroids, are we 100% sure? If yes, then for how long? What if he took them for a short period of time (say a couple of months). Do we still take away his records?

Gary Tapp
Graduated MSU 1981
Hamilton High School
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Post by BelgradeBobcat » Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:00 pm

Remember that Saturday Night Live skit about 15 years ago...The All Drug Olympics-drug use is not only permitted-it's encouraged.

"And now he will attempt to lift 1000 pounds" "Oh no! He's ripped his arms off!" "That's gotta be disappointing for the big Russian."

Phil Hartman was the big Russian-his arms ripped off at the shoulders-blood pouring out of the bloody stumps.

It was hilarious.

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Post by gtapp » Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:16 pm

BelgradeBobcat wrote:Remember that Saturday Night Live skit about 15 years ago...The All Drug Olympics-drug use is not only permitted-it's encouraged.

"And now he will attempt to lift 1000 pounds" "Oh no! He's ripped his arms off!" "That's gotta be disappointing for the big Russian."

Phil Hartman was the big Russian-his arms ripped off at the shoulders-blood pouring out of the bloody stumps.

It was hilarious.
And now here we are 15 years later doing 850 lbs bench and 1100 lbs squats.

Gary Tapp
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Post by mquast53000 » Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:30 pm

Well Gary the guys that you hear about are not the ones using steroids "responsibly" (if there is such a thing when you speak about steroids being used for performance enhancement). The steroid users that you hear about are the ones that abuse steroids. Steroids should be used to improve health in people who are ill, not pro athletes trying to break the bank with their next contract. If any sport said that steroids were permitted then you would MAKE all the players take them. You could hardly say no to using steroids if EVERYONE was perceived as to be using them. It is ridiculous for a healthy person to use steroids, and should not be accepted in any sport except the WWF.


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Post by Cat-theotherwhitemeat » Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:25 pm

I've done steriods all my life and I can't see anything wrong!!! HUH? WHAT? AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!

Now, where's my balls?


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Post by mslacat » Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:34 pm

Cat-theotherwhitemeat wrote:I've done steriods all my life and I can't see anything wrong!!! HUH? WHAT? AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!

Now, where's my balls?

Again I want make a smartass statement /responce and bring up your avatar but I have too much class!!
Last edited by mslacat on Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Cat-theotherwhitemeat » Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:41 pm

mslacat wrote:Again I want make a smartass statement /responce and bring up your avatar but I have too much class!!
I promise, it's being rode like a horse. :)

Or, maybe it was the steroids. :wink: You're going to guilt me into changing it. :wink:

My avatar does not now, nor has in the past, depict a person of mentally challenged state. If you have a problem with it, please call the U.S. department of Bite my A$$. MTBuff/Administrator.

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