Billings Realtors?

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Post by mquast53000 » Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:22 pm

Cat-theotherwhitemeat wrote:
mquast53000 wrote:Marketing Director Position.
Congratulations on the new job. When I move over there we'll have to meet some time at that new sports bar downtown that I've heard so much about. Any of you Billings people been there yet? What's it like?
Thanks. I think that would be a good opportunity to hold an intervention. I could tell you about how your patronage to the Griz has hurt me in so many ways...


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Post by Robcat » Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:28 pm

The new sports bar is nice. In fact it may become the new Bobcat Pub. I am sure if that is the case you will even like it better. Go Cats!

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Post by mquast53000 » Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:43 pm

I was down in Billings this past weekend, and I really didn't have much success finding a house to rent. Apparently if you need a house that allows a dog, you are s**t out of luck in Billings. Boy in Glasgow I had a renter call me for a month trying to move into her place...


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Post by wbtfg » Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:58 pm

mquast53000 wrote:I was down in Billings this past weekend, and I really didn't have much success finding a house to rent. Apparently if you need a house that allows a dog, you are s**t out of luck in Billings. Boy in Glasgow I had a renter call me for a month trying to move into her place...
I guess you're just going to have to buy a place

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Post by Cat-theotherwhitemeat » Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:16 pm

I'm screwed if you can't find a place that accepts dogs. :cry:

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Post by kmax » Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:27 pm

You guys might try this guy:

I don't know anything about him, but I came across the site in searching for some stuff for some friends moving to Billings awhile back. One of his big things on his site is finding rentals for pet owners.

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Post by jagur1 » Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:33 pm

Robcat wrote:The new sports bar is nice. In fact it may become the new Bobcat Pub. I am sure if that is the case you will even like it better. Go Cats!
Good luck since the main boss is a Griz guy. He also realizes people like to watch the Griz and cats so he has enough TV and package coverage to play both games. The thing I've found out about cat supporters is they only come out when the team is around .500 so after they start 0-4 we won't be seeing many cybercats around.

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Post by CARDIAC_CATS » Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:53 pm

jagur1 wrote:
Robcat wrote:The new sports bar is nice. In fact it may become the new Bobcat Pub. I am sure if that is the case you will even like it better. Go Cats!
Good luck since the main boss is a Griz guy. He also realizes people like to watch the Griz and cats so he has enough TV and package coverage to play both games. The thing I've found out about cat supporters is they only come out when the team is around .500 so after they start 0-4 we won't be seeing many cybercats around.
That is funny as I don't even remember seeing quite as many spanking brand new Griz apparel until they got out into the Semifinals this year. I go into Universal Athletics in Billings and they go "finally, someone with some taste .. we've been selling that 'sh*t' brown color like crazy here the paste few weeks and I can't stand it" True story. Where were all those jerseys the past 2-3 years? :) And the Griz were over .500 :)

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Post by mquast53000 » Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:36 pm

Okay guys I am off to Billings. Next time I write I’ll be a Bobcat in the Big City. Keep those Griz posters inline for me. :lol:


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