Aryan running for school board

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Aryan running for school board

Post by SonomaCat » Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:38 am

What strikes me most about this article, outside of how sad it is that this guy is getting so much press, is how similar his sound bite political views are to many of our self-described conservative politicians and right wing talking heads in the country right now. The only difference is that he happens to be openly racist.

I'm not saying there is a direct connect-the-dot relationship between those ideologies, but this is some strong anecdotal evidence of some level of correlation.

Similar to many other examples of extemists, it should be those same conservatives that should be coming out strongly against this guy to show that they don't share his views on what this country stands for in regards to the various ethnicities that make up the nation. Having the usual openly socially liberal people criticize him proves nothing -- we already know that they/we think he's a moron. It's the conservatives that need to stand up and proactively reject this garbage, or else they stand to (perhaps justifiably, unless they are willing to prove otherwise) get lumped into the same bucket of public perception as him. ... cguire.txt
Last edited by SonomaCat on Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Cat Grad » Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:21 am

One would suppose the fact he's able to co-exist is part of what makes Bozo unique--just like every place else in America. Unfortunately, he's chosen the Valley I grew up in to spout his views :cry: Fortunately, he's open about his views :lol: I've talked to many, many educators of varying blends who choose to lie openly but spout their ideologies in private. Some are rather surprised and embarrassed when told I'm 25 percent Indian (okay, I'll be politically correct--Native American :lol: Kind of like the white friends I have from South Africa that apply for and receive preferential treatment for marking the background questionaire "African-American" due to a school systems quota and federal mandate 8) At least he's open about it and we all know his views going in; the sad part is he may actually get elected [-X

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Post by SonomaCat » Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:25 am

There's not really a chance he would get elected, is there? I would think that anything over 5% of the vote would be shameful to Bozeman -- him getting elected would essentially put Bozeman on the map as Racist Town, USA. It would be one of the most embarrasing moments the state has ever seen.

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Post by CelticCat » Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:26 am

He wasn't very open when asking for petition signatures. The very fact he did not tell them his views outright makes me think he knows his opinions are on the edge, and he more or less tried to hide the fact indirectly. It also concerns me that so many people who signed the petition failed to get this out of him, not to inquisitive for new school board members are we?

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Post by Cat Grad » Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:36 am

Oh man, ya'll getting off on that slippery slope, long as we're already there let me pose this question: How many African-American and Native American officials call Big Sky contests? You think deep down when we watch some of the games our Cats lose could have been deep seated covert racism? I mean, come on and face it: we were before UCLA and USC in providing opportunities for kids that needed to get out of some pretty horrible communities and that is still one of the reasons I'll always love Wyoming for boycotting BYU in 68! Bozo is a special place and we all know it. We really do a good job of embracing diversity.

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Post by iaafan » Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:23 pm

How similar they sound is striking. I agree. Racists and Nazis find their political nest on the far right edge, then try to work their way in from there.

Fortunately for all of us this one decided to expose himself early in his career and will be systematically elimated not by the left, but by the moderate right before he does too much damage to them.

This man reminds me in a way of John Schmitz a college professor and state legislator from Calif. Schmitz got on the National Independent (??) ticket (very right wing) and ran for president a while back. He collected about 1 million votes. His wife had a talk show and was a big pro-life advocate. Not hard to picture this couple in this day and age. They had a daughter named Mary Kay (more on her later). John was quoted as saying he couldn't bring himself to calling gays 'gay' and that he preferred 'queer.' But waited until he got in office before giving us that doozy. He and his wife had several other children and finally he decided to expand upon his character and have a couple more out of wedlock. His 'other' wife ended up abusing the kids and once tied a piece of hair around her young son's penis, which led to her arrest and the discovery that her husband was none other that the esteemed state senator/professor. Mr. Schmitz declined to take care of the children after the state took them away from their mother.
Now for Mary Kay. She ended up marrying this guy named Letourneau(sp?), remember her. Of course you do. After having four kids, she had an affair with a 13-yr old boy and had two of his kids. As for the first of the last two she asked her mom (the pro-lifer with the talk show) "whatever shall I do?" Momma say, girl, you get yourself an abortion. She didn't listen to momma and all are living happily ever after, so far.
So had John Schmitz only been so honest, like our own Aryan, we wouldn't have this multi-faceted story.

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Post by mquast53000 » Wed May 04, 2005 10:04 am

He didn't quite make the cut. Little more than 3% of the vote... ... esults.txt


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Post by iaafan » Thu May 05, 2005 3:23 pm

Actually 3.6 percent, which is about 3.5 percent too much. The story has him down for 157 votes. So that must mean there are another 156 people in Gall. County like him. I suppose it's this way in other parts of the state or worse. I want my mommy.
The guy I referenced only had 1% in his prez bid. So I'm guessing he's quite happy with how things turned out.

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Post by SonomaCat » Thu May 05, 2005 3:45 pm

I'm not too concerned about 150 or so votes. I'm sure a large group of those were just yahoos who think it's funny or boldly un-PC to cast a smartass vote to the racist. We know the types -- the ones who cry "PC!" anytime someone suggests not doing something dumb, and they then think it is somehow a bold statement to then intentionally do something dumb to prove their disdain for politcially correct behavior. I really doubt too many of those votes are people who would sincerely vote for the guy if he had a chance to win, or if they otherwise felt any level of accountability for their vote.

I agree that I'd like to see the guy get one vote -- his own, but I think Bozeman sent a pretty good message to this dumbass and his dumbass buddies by showing up in droves to vote against him.

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Post by iaafan » Fri May 06, 2005 8:36 am

Yes, you're probably correct. Most, if not all, of this clowns votes probably came from that 'anti-PC' group.

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Post by Cat Gal » Fri May 06, 2005 10:25 am

Actually it was quite funny at the election pole on Tuesday. It was the who's who of Bozeman voting. I had an older gentlemen ahead of me that turned around and asked me the name of the person that we aren't suppose to vote for. Yes, indeed quite a turnout.

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Post by iaafan » Fri May 06, 2005 2:34 pm

The fact that someone went all the way to the poll then asked who not to vote for can be taken a couple different ways.
I've gone back and forth on this development and I'm starting to lean towards the side that these 157 voters were primarily made up of people who don't necessarily belong to the Aryan Nation, but I dont think they are primarily pranksters either. I'd have to believe that most are those who believe in many of the Aryan fundamentals and went to the polls to send a message.
Of course quite a few more people went to send a message back at McGuire: Get the hell outta here and take these closet Aryans with you!!!

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Post by SonomaCat » Fri May 06, 2005 2:44 pm

I've never really understood Aryans on the most basic level. If they really mean what they say about wanting a homogenous country, why don't they all just move to, say, Iceland? Or at very least they should move back to Europe. Damn immigrants. They come America, and then expect everyone to look and talk and act just like them. Go home, you stinking Eurotrash!

Again, kudos to the people of Gallatin County for proving that the Aryan ideas are not accepted in that community. I believe in the freedom of speech, but I also strongly believe in the power of a community to reject idiotic ideas spoken by losers. Mission accomplished on all fronts.

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Post by mquast53000 » Mon May 09, 2005 3:04 pm ... ermath.txt

This guy just refuses to disappear!


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