Egriz, land of children or just the uneducated?

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Egriz, land of children or just the uneducated?

Post by mquast53000 » Wed May 11, 2005 3:22 pm

It's not just the per capita comparison but also a number of other factors. As long as Montana has such a low African American population they will be inferior in sports. Also SoCal has a high population of American Samoans, these kids are terrific football players and huge. Football is taught at an early age through Pop Warner. In Long Beach the Pop Warner teams in each area that feeds the High Schools run the same Offense and Defense that the High Schools run. Thus by the time the kid makes the HS he has been playing in the same system for 5-6 years.
After slumming it over at egriz, I have to say our posters are as a whole a lot smarter. Some of the posts make you think that the site is dominated by 10 year olds. Here is one of the better posts from a frequent user.
Last edited by mquast53000 on Wed May 11, 2005 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post by bronco » Wed May 11, 2005 3:25 pm

Didn't your own BAC agree with this post?

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Post by Cat Grad » Wed May 11, 2005 3:26 pm

I rather enjoy reading how easily they wander from topic to topic :lol: And the name calling...

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Post by Cat Grad » Wed May 11, 2005 3:29 pm

...he at least used true science :roll: and attempted to help one that's ostricized by their pack of wolves...

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Post by Cat Grad » Wed May 11, 2005 3:36 pm

I want them to open the Sports Illustrated article and look at some of the high school stadiums in the country :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by anacondagriz » Wed May 11, 2005 4:56 pm

As someone who spends lots of time on Egriz but rarely posts there, I have to say that is pretty nice to come over to this board and not have people threatening each other or fighting over who knows the most about Bobby Hauck. While I am the farthest thing from a 'Cat fan I give you guys kudos on this site and the demeanor of your fans here.

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Post by SonomaCat » Wed May 11, 2005 5:18 pm

bronco wrote:Didn't your own BAC agree with this post?
Well, I agreed more with it that the reactionary reply that the post received (the racist accusation). To be strictly correct, though, I ultimately only agreed with myself, as we all seemed to be talking past each other without narrowly defining exactly what the topic was, exactly.

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Post by Cat Grad » Wed May 11, 2005 5:49 pm

Well you know Andaconda, we're pretty laid back in Bozo or wherever we may wind up. Have some pretty special friends from my time in Butte who lived in your great town. Think of the Pelligrini family or the Uelands in Butte and you pretty much know what we're all like 8) Perhaps it's time for you to come away from the dark side :lol:

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Post by anacondagriz » Thu May 12, 2005 11:12 am

Cat Grad wrote:Well you know Andaconda, we're pretty laid back in Bozo or wherever we may wind up. Have some pretty special friends from my time in Butte who lived in your great town. Think of the Pelligrini family or the Uelands in Butte and you pretty much know what we're all like 8) Perhaps it's time for you to come away from the dark side :lol:
I have been on the dark side about 15 years now. I remember when i was in 5th grade & my grandparents bought me a Bobcat sweatshirt for Xmas. I was mortified & refused to wear it even though I think it hurt granny's feelings. I think i will stay over here w/the Griz even if most of our fans can have unrealistic expactations & can be whiny if things don't go perfectly.

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Post by Cat Grad » Thu May 12, 2005 11:46 am

We just celebrated Mother's Day; show granny some respect! Would you want us to point out Butte Central's school colors are not really the dark sides true colors? What can you say about a "school" whose true colors are BROWN?

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