I join you in hoping for the best going forward, and hoping that the ends do justify the means. To be any other way is, in my mind, truly messed up. However, I just can't get comfortable with the idea that our leaders have so little respect for the people of the U.S. that they think that they can misrepresent facts to suit their agenda, and that we will just accept it in fear of being called unpatriotic for criticizing them (see last election). It's that kind of cunning, brilliant, but utterly dispicable kind of politics that I just can't respect.Bleedinbluengold wrote:Scrutiny from whom? As I recall, that loudmouth from Vermont was about the only guy who voted against the use of force. If memory serves, I think there were a total of 3 nay votes in the House.
If anyone tries to scrutinize, all they'll accomplish is dumping a big pile of "you know what" on themselves. Political suicide only works in Hollywood.
Unlike you, I'm not pissed that I jumped to the wrong conclusions. I'm a "greater good" type person. So, I've clearly justified the invasion in my own mind based on the fact that I believe the world is a better place, and will continue to get better...even in spite of the daily bloodshed.
Off topic: Am I wrong, or doesn't Afghanistan and Iraq remind you of the old west? At least to me they do given what I've read about the American West. I think we'll start hearing more about vigilante groups and "Judge Roy Beans" in the future. One thing that has really been under the radar in both countries are the various militias that are operating.
Unfortunately, it works, and words very well with many voters.
[Sigh] I just wanna live in a country where all of the politicians really care about ethics, and truth, and self-sacrifice, and truly doing what's best for the people of the country as opposed to worrying about strengthening their own power base. And I know I will forever be disappointed by both sides on that front. At least the Libertarians will never let me down, but mostly because they will never have any power to begin with.