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Post by SenorWeezer » Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:03 pm

I just wanted to drop a short note in here to say Thank You to the "member" with username SCRAPCAT5 ... whose name or nickname is MERC... and attends Montana Tech.

Don't ever trust anything this person tells you or e-mails or posts as he agreed to buy 2 tickets from me (for less than they cost me) for the NDSU game. I had 5 other people asking to buy them, but since this "member" responded first I thought it only fair he get first chance. Well, this "member" never showed. I even had the conversation with him that if he didn't want the tickets to tell me because I didn't want them to go to waste and he responded that he totally understood that I didn't want to eat them and he definitely wanted them.

He never did show up. I am assuming he found some cheaper tickets while hanging out in the dorms or whatever, but at least have the decency to be a man and to call and say you have other tickets. At the very least I could have given them to someone at that point. Hopefully before you graduate from Tech you will at least understand that part of being an adult is following through on your word and taking responsibility for it.

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Post by ilovethecats » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:39 pm

butte people.... [-X


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Post by Billings Cat » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:29 am

dirty water...

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