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Post by velochat » Thu Oct 21, 2004 3:48 pm

For sticking it to some of the pompous a**es on food fight television: ... art21.html

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Post by SonomaCat » Thu Oct 21, 2004 4:01 pm

Stewart is taking some heat for this in some quarters (for supposedly overstepping his bounds and losing his comic distance from the fray), but his points were spot-on (and not even partisan).

The supposed "debate" shows on TV these days are a joke -- they are just a couple guys reciting the parties' talking points and dumbing down the discussion to the point where it is meaningless.

It is kind of sad when the most lucid voice in the political spectrum works for Comedy Central (and has puppets making prank calls as his lead-in, as he pointed out on-air).

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Post by BozoneCat » Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:06 pm

Although I disagree strongly with Stewart's politics, he is dead-on with this assessment of the mainstream media.

I don't understand how, when most Americans would appreciate an honest and forthright debate about the important issues that define this election, we are instead bombarded by the same talking points and fancy lines that really don't do anything to answer the questions many of us have. It just amazes me that politicians are so encumbered that they can't answer a question honestly. I think that if Bush had been completely upfront during the debates and just said, "look, I know the war in Iraq is not going as smoothly as we would have liked. Unfortunately, that is the reality of war. I may not have been completely honest about all the reasons of going into this war, but I still think we are doing the right thing, and here are the reasons why..." Most voters would appreciate that, but he is simply not allowed to say things like that because of the sorry state of politics in America.



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Post by SonomaCat » Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:43 pm

I wish could have/would have said something similar to that as well. That would have reaffirmed my faith in his leadership greatly.

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Post by Bleedinbluengold » Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:33 pm

He would only say such a thing if he didn't want to get re-elected.

You guys give the public way too much credit if you think most people would shrug off an admission by Bush that he wasn't "entirely truthful."

Don't you remember, "no new taxes?"

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