As the title of this thread clearly say's , Griz fans can not read this post!! It is not that I
don't like the Griz as this post will clearly explain I do have many Griz friends (Hell, I
sleep with one), but the point is I know you Griz will take this post wrong! You will
read this post/thread as a smack/poor Griz kind of message when really it is a, oh my god
I can not believe what this old Bobcat just heard, kind of post. To be perfectly honest I
really don't want to get into a pissing match today so all of you Griz fan just go away!
Right now.
Do not let the door hit you on the way out!
See you on the flip side.
OK now Bob... Hold it I see you jagur1 hiding in the corner behind the Helenacats!!
........... ok....ok....ok... Listen up, I could not believe this. This happened, yesterday. A
very good friend of mine is a big Griz fan! I mean big. His personal office is painted in
Griz colors. All the art work in said office is Griz art work! He has signed Footballs and
Basketballs under glass. He has assists different Griz clubs in organizing fund raisers.
Yesterday he was wearing a Griz turtle neck with a pair of Brand spanken new running
shoes that are exactly Griz colors. He did not go to Eastern Washington this last week
For the first time in 10 years, because every away Griz game he has attended the last 2
years they have lost! Get the picture!
Well in a moment of weakness as we talked about last weeks games he said the
following. "You know right now if I could trade with you (me as a Bobcat fan), I would
trade you Hauck for Kramer. Hell I would even throw in a couple players to boot." You
could have knocked me over with a feather!!! He then quickly, realized what he said and
followed it up with " But you can not tell anybody I said that" Being the great
understanding friend that I am I assured him I would not tell a single Griz about his
Bobcat's only!!! Griz don't read this, OK!
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