Lebron James - NIL

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Lebron James - NIL

Post by CelticCat » Thu May 25, 2023 1:25 pm

I saw someone on Twitter say Lebron could technically play college basketball since he never went, imagine the NIL deal he could get.

Any pro who never went to college could theoretically go back and get a big fat NIL deal, right?

Update - can't play basketball, but he could play any other sport.

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Re: Lebron James - NIL

Post by coloradocat » Thu May 25, 2023 3:18 pm

CelticCat wrote:
Thu May 25, 2023 1:25 pm
I saw someone on Twitter say Lebron could technically play college basketball since he never went, imagine the NIL deal he could get.

Any pro who never went to college could theoretically go back and get a big fat NIL deal, right?

Update - can't play basketball, but he could play any other sport.
One of Lebron's former teammates who also skipped college for the NBA, JR Smith, enrolled in North Carolina A&T last year and is currently in his second season on the golf team.

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Re: Lebron James - NIL

Post by RickRund » Fri May 26, 2023 9:56 am

coloradocat wrote:
Thu May 25, 2023 3:18 pm
CelticCat wrote:
Thu May 25, 2023 1:25 pm
I saw someone on Twitter say Lebron could technically play college basketball since he never went, imagine the NIL deal he could get.

Any pro who never went to college could theoretically go back and get a big fat NIL deal, right?

Update - can't play basketball, but he could play any other sport.
One of Lebron's former teammates who also skipped college for the NBA, JR Smith, enrolled in North Carolina A&T last year and is currently in his second season on the golf team.

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Audi alteram partem: listen to the other side.

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